Basic information
Status Registered
Legal form Institution of Religious Organisation
Reg. No 99500000412
Reg. date 16.02.2001
Register Register of Religious Organisations and Institutions Thereof
Legal Address Flotes iela 16, Liepāja, LV-3405
Sector (NACE 2.) 94.91 Activities of religious organisations
VAT payer
- Registered Excluded
- -
Last updated in the RE 15.01.2010
Operational objectives Dibināt jaunas draudzes;
dibināts jaunus misionāru punktus;
organizēt un noturēt evaņģelizācijas sapulces, izstādes, seminārus, humānās palīdzības akcijas un koncertus;
vietējo baznīcu atbalstīšana un palīdzības sniegšana tām;
Centra ietilpstošo reliģisko apvienību un fizisko personu interešu pārstāvēšana un aizstāvēšana
Confession Denominational body
Previous registrations (number / date):
Operational territory Latvijas Republika
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading...
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Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (17)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Articles of Association (1)
12.01.2024 Articles of Association 09.09.2000 (TIF)
Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs (4)
12.01.2024 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 20.06.2002 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 08.05.2002 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 08.05.2002 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 20.02.2001 (TIF)
Show all
Memorandum of association (3)
12.01.2024 Memorandum of association 09.09.2000 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Memorandum of association 09.09.2000 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Memorandum of association 09.09.2000 (TIF)
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (3)
12.01.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.01.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.01.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.01.2001 (TIF)
Receipts on the publication and state fees (2)
12.01.2024 Receipts on the publication and state fees 01.02.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Receipts on the publication and state fees 01.02.2001 (TIF)
Registration certificates (1)
12.01.2024 Registration certificates 16.02.2001 (TIF)
Submission/Application (3)
12.01.2024 Submission/Application 28.09.2000 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Submission/Application 29.01.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Submission/Application 11.09.2000 (TIF)
2024 (17)
12.01.2024 Articles of Association 09.09.2000 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.01.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Submission/Application 29.01.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Submission/Application 28.09.2000 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Registration certificates 16.02.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Receipts on the publication and state fees 01.02.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Receipts on the publication and state fees 01.02.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.01.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.01.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 20.06.2002 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Memorandum of association 09.09.2000 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Memorandum of association 09.09.2000 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Memorandum of association 09.09.2000 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 20.02.2001 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 08.05.2002 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 08.05.2002 (TIF)
12.01.2024 Submission/Application 11.09.2000 (TIF)
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