Basic information
Status Registered
Legal form Congregation
Reg. No 90000085820
Reg. date 14.02.1991
Register Register of Religious Organisations and Institutions Thereof
Legal Address Brīvības bulvāris 23, Rīga, LV-1050
Sector (NACE 2.) 94.91 Activities of religious organisations
VAT payer
- Registered Excluded
- -
Last updated in the RE 05.07.2017
Operational objectives Mērķis ir, lai pareizticīgie kristieši, apvienojušies kristīgā ticībā, lūgšanās, Noslēpumos (Sakramentos), Kristus mācībā un Baznīcas disciplīnā, palīdzētu viens otram sasniegt dvēseles pestīšanu ar kristīgām pamācībām, tikumīgu dzīvi un kristīgu labdarību, rūpētos par sava klēra, draudzes vajadzībām un arī par visas Latvijas Pareizticīgās Baznīcas vajadzībām.
Confession Easterm Orthodox
Previous registrations (number / date): AP-0856 / 19.06.1997
13 / 14.02.1991
Operational territory Latvijas Republika
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading...
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Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (72)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Acceptance-conveyance act (2)
06.09.2022 Acceptance-conveyance act 05.07.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Acceptance-conveyance act 05.07.1991 (TIF)
Application (2)
06.09.2022 Application 06.05.2010 (TIF)
05.07.2017 Application 30.06.2017 (TIF)
Articles of Association (6)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association 18.01.1993 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association (TIF)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association 19.06.1997 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association 16.01.2001 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association 06.03.2010 (TIF)
05.07.2017 Articles of Association 28.06.2017 (TIF)
Show all
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (2)
06.09.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 11.05.2010 (TIF)
05.07.2017 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 05.07.2017 (EDOC)
Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs (2)
06.09.2022 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 16.01.2001 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 10.07.1997 (TIF)
Other documents (34)
06.09.2022 Other documents (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 01.09.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 14.11.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 04.03.1992 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 04.03.1992 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 04.03.1992 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 26.03.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 02.03.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 05.10.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 27.02.2003 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 11.05.1998 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 07.11.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 22.11.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 03.04.2001 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 12.03.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 01.11.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 20.03.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 28.04.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 05.10.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 01.11.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 05.10.1963 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 07.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 12.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 25.09.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 20.03.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 14.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 15.05.1989 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 15.05.1989 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 05.10.1963 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 04.07.1990 (TIF)
05.07.2017 Other documents 29.06.2017 (TIF)
Show all
Power of attorney, act of empowerment (2)
06.09.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 20.07.2009 (TIF)
05.07.2017 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 29.06.2017 (TIF)
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (8)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 01.08.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 25.01.2001 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 11.05.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 11.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.07.1993 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 24.02.1989 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 30.07.1990 (TIF)
Show all
Registration certificates (3)
06.09.2022 Registration certificates 14.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Registration certificates 19.06.1997 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Registration certificates (TIF)
Statement regarding religious organisation or institution (3)
06.09.2022 Statement regarding religious organisation or institution 21.04.1998 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Statement regarding religious organisation or institution 14.03.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Statement regarding religious organisation or institution 29.06.1995 (TIF)
Submission/Application (8)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 25.09.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 06.03.2010 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 05.08.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 10.03.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 23.02.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 26.02.2003 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 21.04.1998 (TIF)
Show all
2022 (67)
06.09.2022 Acceptance-conveyance act 05.07.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 12.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 25.09.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 20.03.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 14.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 15.05.1989 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 15.05.1989 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 05.10.1963 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 04.07.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 20.07.2009 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 01.08.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 25.01.2001 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 11.05.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 11.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.07.1993 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Acceptance-conveyance act 05.07.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 25.09.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 26.02.2003 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 23.02.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 10.03.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 05.08.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 06.03.2010 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Statement regarding religious organisation or institution 29.06.1995 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 24.02.1989 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Statement regarding religious organisation or institution 14.03.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Statement regarding religious organisation or institution 21.04.1998 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Registration certificates (TIF)
06.09.2022 Registration certificates 19.06.1997 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Registration certificates 14.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 30.07.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 07.02.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 05.10.1963 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 01.11.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Application 06.05.2010 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association 18.01.1993 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association (TIF)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association 19.06.1997 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association 16.01.2001 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Articles of Association 06.03.2010 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 11.05.2010 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 16.01.2001 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 10.07.1997 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 01.09.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 14.11.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 04.03.1992 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 04.03.1992 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 04.03.1992 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 26.03.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 05.10.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 28.04.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 20.03.1991 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 01.11.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 12.03.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 03.04.2001 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 22.11.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 07.11.2002 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 11.05.1998 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 27.02.2003 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 05.10.1990 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Other documents 02.03.2004 (TIF)
06.09.2022 Submission/Application 21.04.1998 (TIF)
Show all
2017 (5)
05.07.2017 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 05.07.2017 (EDOC)
05.07.2017 Articles of Association 28.06.2017 (TIF)
05.07.2017 Other documents 29.06.2017 (TIF)
05.07.2017 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 29.06.2017 (TIF)
05.07.2017 Application 30.06.2017 (TIF)
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