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"Latvijas Skolotāju asociācija"
Basic information |
Status | Registered | ||||||
Name | "Latvijas Skolotāju asociācija" | ||||||
Legal form | Association | ||||||
Reg. No | 50008341961 | ||||||
Reg. date | 27.11.2024 | ||||||
Register | Register of Associations and Foundations | ||||||
Legal Address | Engures iela 13 - 5, Jūrmala, LV-2016 | ||||||
Sector (NACE 2.) | 94.99 Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. | ||||||
VAT payer |
Last updated in the RE | 27.11.2024 | ||||||
Operational objectives |
1. Sekmēt jauna efektīva skolotāju darba samaksas modeļa izveidi sadarbībā ar skolotājus pārstāvošajām organizācijām, Izglītības un zinātnes ministriju un Finanšu ministriju.
2. Saliedēt un stiprināt Latvijas skolotāju kopienu, veidojot konstruktīvu savstarpējo dialogu. 3. Veidot sabiedrisko domu par izglītības nozīmību un skolotāju kā daudzpusīgu personību, kurš spēj virzīt, izglītot, iedvesmot un kuram uzticas skolēni, vecāki un sabiedrība. 4. Veicināt skolotāja kā personības izaugsmi. 5. Sadarboties ar mācību priekšmetu skolotāju asociācijām, uzņemoties iniciatīvu mācību priekšmetu programmu uzlabošanas virzībā. |
Areas of activity | Education (pievienots 27.11.2024) |
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading... |
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading... |
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Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (0) |
Financial indicators (annual report data) | |||||
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Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data) | |||||
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Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading... |
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Documents (in Latvian) (11) |
• Non-public document | |
Group by: Date added Document type | |
Application (1) | |
27.11.2024 | Application 27.11.2024 (EDOC) • |
Articles of Association (1) | |
27.11.2024 | Articles of Association 28.10.2024 (EDOC) |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (7) | |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
Show all | |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (1) | |
27.11.2024 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 27.11.2024 (edoc) • |
Memorandum of Association (1) | |
27.11.2024 | Memorandum of Association 28.10.2024 (edoc) • |
2024 (11) | |
27.11.2024 | Application 27.11.2024 (EDOC) • |
27.11.2024 | Articles of Association 28.10.2024 (EDOC) |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 27.11.2024 (edoc) • |
27.11.2024 | Memorandum of Association 28.10.2024 (edoc) • |
Show all |