Biedrība "RETO CERĪBA"

Basic information
Status Registered
Name Biedrība "RETO CERĪBA"
Legal form Association
Reg. No 50008168771
Reg. date 01.12.2010
Register Register of Associations and Foundations
Legal Address Lielastītes, Kangari, Ropažu pag., Ropažu nov., LV-2135
Sector (NACE 2.) 87.10 Residential nursing care activities
VAT payer
- Registered Excluded
- -
Public Benefit Organisation status
Valid Valid from Valid till
18.02.2014 -
Last updated in the RE 16.01.2025
Operational objectives Bezalkatīgas un nekomerciālas palīdzības sniegšana cilvēkiem, kuri ir nonākuši narkotisko, psihotropo vielu un alkohola atkarībā, kā arī cita veida atkarībā, kas nodara ļaunumu cilvēka fiziskai un garīgai veselībai.
Bazalkatīgas un nekomerciālas palīdzības sniegšana ģimenēm, kā arī radiniekiem, kuru ģimenes loceklis/ļi, radinieks/ki ir nonācis/kuši augstāk minētās atkarībās, tas ir sniegt konsultācijas, veidojot darba grupas un organizējot seminārus.
Nodrošināt cilvēkiem, kas piedalās biedrības programmās/lietderīgi un patīkami pavadīt laiku.
Aktīva, veselīga un kristīga dzīvesveida popularizēšana.
Neformālās izglītības un brīvprātīgā darba attīstības veicināšana;
Personas,(indivīda) garīgo un kultūras vērtību attīstības veicināšana, pamatojoties uz kristīgās morāles principiem.
Atbilstoši Biedrības reabilitācijas programmai tās dalībniekus iesaistīt dažādās praktiskās, saimnieciskās un apmācošās aktivitātēs.
Atvērt jaunas filiāles Latvijas teritorijā un ārvalstīs.
Saņemt ziedojumus un ziedot.
Uzaicināt Biedrības programmas dalībniekus, pasniedzējus, personālu no ārvalstīm, nokārtojot viņiem ielūgumus/izsaukumus vīzu pastāvīgo uzturēšanās atļauju saņemšanai .
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading...
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading...
Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (12)
Financial indicators (annual report data)
Year Net sales Net profit Equity Report registered in ER Number of employees
Year2024 - - - - -
Year2023 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 271,559 EUR Date submitted06.12.2024 Number of employees 0
Year2022 - - - - -
Year2021 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 248,649 EUR Date submitted23.01.2023 Number of employees 0
Year2020 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 230,936 EUR Date submitted17.05.2022 Number of employees 0
Year2019 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 238,294 EUR Date submitted28.04.2021 Number of employees 0
Year2018 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 233,853 EUR Date submitted15.01.2020 Number of employees 0
Year2017 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 55,784 EUR Date submitted15.10.2018 Number of employees 0
Year2016 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 47,475 EUR Date submitted21.10.2017 Number of employees 0
Year2015 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted17.08.2017 Number of employees
Year2014 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 8,633 EUR Date submitted14.08.2017 Number of employees 0
Year2013 Net sales - Net profit - Equity -590 LVL Date submitted10.01.2014 Number of employees 0
Year2012 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 26 LVL Date submitted03.04.2013 Number of employees 0
Year2011 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted31.03.2012 Number of employees
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Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data)
Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (31)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Annual report (full) (15)
06.12.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
23.01.2023 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF)
17.05.2022 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF)
28.04.2021 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF)
15.01.2020 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF)
15.10.2018 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF)
21.10.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
17.08.2017 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
14.08.2017 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML)
10.01.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
10.01.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML)
31.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
31.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML)
Show all
Application (3)
04.10.2016 Application 17.09.2016 (TIF)
29.07.2013 Application 11.07.2013 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Application 11.11.2010 (TIF)
Articles of Association (1)
07.12.2010 Articles of Association 11.11.2010 (TIF)
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (3)
04.10.2016 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 17.09.2016 (TIF)
29.07.2013 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 07.06.2013 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2010 (TIF)
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (3)
27.09.2016 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 27.09.2016 (EDOC)
29.07.2013 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 26.07.2013 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 01.12.2010 (TIF)
Memorandum of Association (1)
07.12.2010 Memorandum of Association 11.11.2010 (TIF)
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (2)
04.10.2016 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.09.2016 (TIF)
29.07.2013 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 07.07.2013 (TIF)
Registration certificates (1)
07.12.2010 Registration certificates 01.12.2010 (TIF)
Submission/Application (2)
29.07.2013 Submission/Application 23.07.2013 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Submission/Application 29.11.2010 (TIF)
2024 (1)
06.12.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2023 (1)
23.01.2023 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2022 (1)
17.05.2022 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2021 (1)
28.04.2021 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2020 (1)
15.01.2020 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2018 (1)
15.10.2018 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2017 (3)
21.10.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
17.08.2017 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
14.08.2017 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML)
2016 (4)
04.10.2016 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.09.2016 (TIF)
04.10.2016 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 17.09.2016 (TIF)
04.10.2016 Application 17.09.2016 (TIF)
27.09.2016 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 27.09.2016 (EDOC)
Show all
2014 (2)
10.01.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
10.01.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML)
2013 (7)
29.07.2013 Application 11.07.2013 (TIF)
29.07.2013 Submission/Application 23.07.2013 (TIF)
29.07.2013 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 07.06.2013 (TIF)
29.07.2013 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 26.07.2013 (TIF)
29.07.2013 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 07.07.2013 (TIF)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
Show all
2012 (2)
31.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML)
31.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2010 (7)
07.12.2010 Registration certificates 01.12.2010 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 11.11.2010 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Memorandum of Association 11.11.2010 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 01.12.2010 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Articles of Association 11.11.2010 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Application 11.11.2010 (TIF)
07.12.2010 Submission/Application 29.11.2010 (TIF)
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