Kristiešu draudze "ATMODAS NAMS"

Basic information
Status Registered
Name Kristiešu draudze "ATMODAS NAMS"
Legal form Congregation
Reg. No 40801052119
Reg. date 19.09.2014
Register Register of Religious Organisations and Institutions Thereof
Legal Address Ropažu iela 94, Rīga, LV-1006
Sector (NACE 2.) 94.91 Activities of religious organisations
VAT payer
- Registered Excluded
- -
Last updated in the RE 01.02.2023
Operational objectives Dieva vārda un evaņģēlija pasludināšana visiem cilvēkiem;
Atsevišķu cilvēku un tautas garīgā atmoda un dvēseļu glābšana;
Morāles un tikumības līmeņa paaugstināšana.
Confession Latvian Evangelical Christians
Previous registrations (number / date):
Operational territory Latvijas Republika
Date of re-registration 19.09.2017
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading...
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading...
Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (34)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Annual report (full) (1)
04.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (TIF)
Application (7)
01.02.2023 Application 08.01.2023 (pdf)
15.09.2017 Application 19.06.2017 (TIF)
20.06.2017 Application 19.06.2017 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Application 03.07.2016 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Application 04.07.2016 (TIF)
14.09.2015 Application 07.07.2015 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Application 10.07.2014 (TIF)
Show all
Articles of Association (1)
25.09.2014 Articles of Association 06.07.2014 (TIF)
Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities (1)
19.09.2014 Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities 04.09.2014 (EDOC)
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (8)
01.02.2023 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 01.02.2023 (edoc)
01.06.2018 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 01.06.2018 (edoc)
15.09.2017 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 15.09.2017 (edoc)
21.06.2017 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 21.06.2017 (edoc)
31.08.2016 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 12.07.2016 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 24.08.2016 (TIF)
14.09.2015 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 07.09.2015 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 19.09.2014 (TIF)
Show all
Opinion (3)
15.09.2017 Opinion 15.09.2017 (EDOC)
24.08.2016 Opinion 24.08.2016 (EDOC)
07.09.2015 Opinion 03.09.2015 (EDOC)
Other documents (1)
25.09.2014 Other documents 06.07.2014 (TIF)
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (7)
01.02.2023 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 01.01.2023 (pdf)
15.09.2017 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.06.2017 (TIF)
20.06.2017 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.06.2017 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 03.07.2016 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 03.07.2016 (TIF)
14.09.2015 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 05.07.2015 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 06.07.2014 (TIF)
Show all
Registration certificates (3)
15.10.2014 Registration certificates 26.09.2014 (TIF)
15.10.2014 Registration certificates 06.10.2014 (TIF)
30.09.2014 Registration certificates 26.09.2014 (TIF)
Submission/Application (2)
15.10.2014 Submission/Application 03.10.2014 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Submission/Application 15.09.2014 (TIF)
2023 (3)
01.02.2023 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 01.01.2023 (pdf)
01.02.2023 Application 08.01.2023 (pdf)
01.02.2023 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 01.02.2023 (edoc)
2018 (1)
01.06.2018 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 01.06.2018 (edoc)
2017 (7)
15.09.2017 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.06.2017 (TIF)
15.09.2017 Application 19.06.2017 (TIF)
15.09.2017 Opinion 15.09.2017 (EDOC)
15.09.2017 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 15.09.2017 (edoc)
21.06.2017 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 21.06.2017 (edoc)
20.06.2017 Application 19.06.2017 (TIF)
20.06.2017 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 18.06.2017 (TIF)
Show all
2016 (8)
31.08.2016 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 24.08.2016 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 03.07.2016 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 03.07.2016 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Application 04.07.2016 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 12.07.2016 (TIF)
31.08.2016 Application 03.07.2016 (TIF)
24.08.2016 Opinion 24.08.2016 (EDOC)
04.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (TIF)
Show all
2015 (4)
14.09.2015 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 05.07.2015 (TIF)
14.09.2015 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 07.09.2015 (TIF)
14.09.2015 Application 07.07.2015 (TIF)
07.09.2015 Opinion 03.09.2015 (EDOC)
Show all
2014 (11)
15.10.2014 Registration certificates 06.10.2014 (TIF)
15.10.2014 Registration certificates 26.09.2014 (TIF)
15.10.2014 Submission/Application 03.10.2014 (TIF)
30.09.2014 Registration certificates 26.09.2014 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 19.09.2014 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 06.07.2014 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Other documents 06.07.2014 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Articles of Association 06.07.2014 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Application 10.07.2014 (TIF)
25.09.2014 Submission/Application 15.09.2014 (TIF)
19.09.2014 Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities 04.09.2014 (EDOC)
Show all
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