Nodibinājums "Young Life Latvia Foundation"

Basic information
Status Registered
Name Nodibinājums "Young Life Latvia Foundation"
Legal form Foundation
Reg. No 40008316695
Reg. date 17.06.2022
Register Register of Associations and Foundations
Legal Address Krāslavas iela 27 - 6, Rīga, LV-1003
Sector (NACE 2.) 94.91 Activities of religious organisations
VAT payer
- Registered Excluded
- -
Last updated in the RE 17.06.2022
Operational objectives Kristīgās ticības un tās vērtību veicināšana bērnu un jauniešu vidū;
sociālais atbalsts jauniešiem, nodrošinot izglītojošus, izklaidējošus un atpūtas pasākumus sociālās labklājības interesēs, kas paredzēti viņu dzīves apstākļu uzlabošanai, un sniedzot atbalstu un veicot darbības, kas attīsta viņu prasmes, spējas un iespējas, lai viņiem būtu iespēja piedalīties sabiedrības soiālajā dzīvē kā nobriedušiem un atbildīgiem cilvēkiem;
jaunatnes līderības attīstība;
palīdzības sniegšana tiem, kam tas nepieciešams saistībā ar jaunību, vecumu, sliktu veselību, invaliditāti, finansiālām grūtībām vai citiem nelabvēlīgiem apstākļiem;
labdarības pasākumu organizēšana;
brīvprātīgo apmācību īstenošana;
iesaiste brīvprātīgajā un sabiedriskajā darbā.
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading...
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading...
Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (0)
Financial indicators (annual report data)
Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data)
Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (13)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Application (1)
13.06.2022 Application 23.05.2022 (TIF)
Articles of Association (1)
13.06.2022 Articles of Association 23.05.2022 (TIF)
Articles of association of foreign companies (1)
13.06.2022 Articles of association of foreign companies 21.03.2022 (TIF)
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (3)
13.06.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 23.05.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 23.05.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 26.05.2022 (TIF)
Copy of the personal identification document (2)
13.06.2022 Copy of the personal identification document 30.11.2018 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Copy of the personal identification document 02.03.2017 (TIF)
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (1)
17.06.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 17.06.2022 (edoc)
Documents confirming the registration of a foreign company (statement from the register) and transla (2)
13.06.2022 Documents confirming the registration of a foreign company (statement from the register) and transla 21.03.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Documents confirming the registration of a foreign company (statement from the register) and transla 21.03.2022 (TIF)
Memorandum of Association (1)
13.06.2022 Memorandum of Association 23.05.2022 (TIF)
Statement regarding the beneficial owners (1)
13.06.2022 Statement regarding the beneficial owners 23.05.2022 (TIF)
2022 (13)
17.06.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 17.06.2022 (edoc)
13.06.2022 Application 23.05.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Articles of Association 23.05.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Articles of association of foreign companies 21.03.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 23.05.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 23.05.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 26.05.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Copy of the personal identification document 30.11.2018 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Copy of the personal identification document 02.03.2017 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Documents confirming the registration of a foreign company (statement from the register) and transla 21.03.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Documents confirming the registration of a foreign company (statement from the register) and transla 21.03.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Memorandum of Association 23.05.2022 (TIF)
13.06.2022 Statement regarding the beneficial owners 23.05.2022 (TIF)
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