"Latvijas Diplomātu Asociācija"

Basic information
Status Registered
Name "Latvijas Diplomātu Asociācija"
Legal form Association
Reg. No 40008312528
Reg. date 22.12.2021
Register Register of Associations and Foundations
Legal Address Kalpaka bulvāris 10 - 18, Rīga, LV-1050
Sector (NACE 2.) 84.21 Foreign affairs
VAT payer
- Registered Excluded
- -
Last updated in the RE 22.12.2021
Operational objectives 1.Izglītojoša darbība diplomātijas un starptautisko attiecību jomās;
2.Atblats diplomātijas un starptautisko attiecību jautājumos valsts, pašvaldību, sabiedriskajām , nevalstiskajām un juridiskajām organizācijām, kā arī privātpersonām;
3.Pētniecība, izglītība un izdevējdarbība diplomātijas un starptautisko attiecību jomās;
4.Latvijas Diplomātijas Asociācijas biedru atbalstīšana viņu individuālo projektu realizēšanā;
5.Sociālā rakstura darbība;
6.Sadarbība ar līdzīga rakstura organizācijām.
Areas of activity Humanities, incl. history (pievienots 22.12.2021)
Research on social sciences and humanities, sociology, and politics (pievienots 22.12.2021)
Education (pievienots 22.12.2021)
Legal advisory (pievienots 22.12.2021)
Culture exchange (pievienots 22.12.2021)
International human rights and peacekeeping (pievienots 22.12.2021)
Book publishing (pievienots 22.12.2021)
Publishing of magazines (pievienots 22.12.2021)
Publishing of newspapers (pievienots 22.12.2021)
Motion picture production activities (pievienots 22.12.2021)
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading...
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading...
Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (3)
Financial indicators (annual report data)
Year Net sales Net profit Equity Report registered in ER Number of employees
Year2024 - - - - -
Year2023 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted20.06.2024 Number of employees 25
Year2022 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted01.11.2023 Number of employees
Year2021 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted18.08.2022 Number of employees
Year2020 - - - - -
Year2019 - - - - -
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Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data)
Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (14)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Annual report (full) (3)
20.06.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.11.2023 2022 Annual report (full) (TIF)
18.08.2022 2021 Annual report (full) (TIF)
Application (1)
14.12.2021 Application 09.12.2021 (TIF)
Articles of Association (1)
22.12.2021 Articles of Association 09.12.2021 (TIF)
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (7)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
Show all
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (1)
22.12.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 22.12.2021 (edoc)
Memorandum of Association (1)
21.09.2021 Memorandum of Association 06.09.2021 (TIF)
2024 (1)
20.06.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2023 (1)
01.11.2023 2022 Annual report (full) (TIF)
2022 (1)
18.08.2022 2021 Annual report (full) (TIF)
2021 (11)
22.12.2021 Articles of Association 09.12.2021 (TIF)
22.12.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 22.12.2021 (edoc)
14.12.2021 Application 09.12.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.09.2021 (TIF)
21.09.2021 Memorandum of Association 06.09.2021 (TIF)
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