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"Tradīciju pasaule"
Basic information |
Status | Registered | ||||||
Name | "Tradīciju pasaule" | ||||||
Legal form | Association | ||||||
Reg. No | 40008274813 | ||||||
Reg. date | 20.03.2018 | ||||||
Register | Register of Associations and Foundations | ||||||
Legal Address | Kastaņu iela 12, Daugavpils, LV-5404 | ||||||
Sector (NACE 2.) | 85.59 Other education n.e.c. | ||||||
VAT payer |
Last updated in the RE | 29.01.2025 | ||||||
Operational objectives |
Pašapziņas celšana, pašizglītošanās, tālākas un neformālās izglītības iespēju paplašināšana.
Ilgtspējīgas izglītības veicināšana ar mūžizglītības instrumentiem, aktualizējot plašākas sabiedrības uzmanību aktīvam un radošam dzīves veidam, veicinot aktīva dzīvesveida lomu konkrēta indivīda izaugsmē sabiedrības kopējās labklājības veicināšanā. Pilsoniskas sabiedrības veidošanas un līdzdalības veicināšana. Līdzdalība projektos, kas ir saistīti ar aktīvu dzīvesveidu un izglītību. Reģionu, pašvaldību, kā arī valsts kultūras un izglītības dzīves atbalstīšana kopumā, organizējot un piedaloties dažāda veida pasākumos, labiekārtojot vidi, realizējot dažāda veida projektus. Baltu (latviešu, latgaļu) dzīvesziņu, tradīciju un mākslas popularizēšana, stiprinot nacionālās vērtības. Veicināt sadarbības un Latvijas tēla popularizēšanu valsts un starptautiskā līmenī. Projektu un apmācības pasākumu īstenošana visās vecuma grupās (bērni, jaunieši, pieaugušie), realizējot projektus valsts un starptautiskā līmenī. |
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading... |
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading... |
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Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (4) |
Financial indicators (annual report data) | |||||
Year | Net sales | Net profit | Equity | Report registered in ER | Number of employees |
Year2024 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2023 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2022 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2021 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted19.09.2022 | Number of employees 0 |
Year2020 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted18.09.2022 | Number of employees 0 |
Year2019 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted01.04.2020 | Number of employees 0 |
Year2018 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted01.04.2019 | Number of employees 0 |
Show more |
Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data) | |||||
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Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading... |
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Documents (in Latvian) (18) |
• Non-public document | |
Group by: Date added Document type | |
Annual report (full) (4) | |
19.09.2022 | 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
18.09.2022 | 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
01.04.2020 | 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
01.04.2019 | 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
Show all | |
Application (2) | |
29.01.2025 | Application 22.01.2025 (edoc) • |
21.03.2018 | Application 13.03.2018 (TIF) • |
Articles of Association (2) | |
29.01.2025 | Articles of Association 20.01.2025 (edoc) |
21.03.2018 | Articles of Association 12.03.2018 (TIF) |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (4) | |
29.01.2025 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 22.01.2025 (edoc) • |
29.01.2025 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 21.01.2025 (edoc) • |
29.01.2025 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 21.01.2025 (edoc) • |
21.03.2018 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 12.03.2018 (TIF) • |
Show all | |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (2) | |
29.01.2025 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 29.01.2025 (edoc) • |
20.03.2018 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 20.03.2018 (edoc) • |
Memorandum of Association (1) | |
21.03.2018 | Memorandum of Association 12.03.2018 (TIF) • |
Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation (2) | |
29.01.2025 | Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 18.12.2024 (pdf) • |
29.01.2025 | Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 17.12.2024 (edoc) • |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (1) | |
29.01.2025 | Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.01.2025 (edoc) • |
2025 (9) | |
29.01.2025 | Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.01.2025 (edoc) • |
29.01.2025 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 22.01.2025 (edoc) • |
29.01.2025 | Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 17.12.2024 (edoc) • |
29.01.2025 | Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 18.12.2024 (pdf) • |
29.01.2025 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 29.01.2025 (edoc) • |
29.01.2025 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 21.01.2025 (edoc) • |
29.01.2025 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 21.01.2025 (edoc) • |
29.01.2025 | Articles of Association 20.01.2025 (edoc) |
29.01.2025 | Application 22.01.2025 (edoc) • |
Show all | |
2022 (2) | |
19.09.2022 | 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
18.09.2022 | 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2020 (1) | |
01.04.2020 | 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2019 (1) | |
01.04.2019 | 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2018 (5) | |
21.03.2018 | Articles of Association 12.03.2018 (TIF) |
21.03.2018 | Application 13.03.2018 (TIF) • |
21.03.2018 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 12.03.2018 (TIF) • |
21.03.2018 | Memorandum of Association 12.03.2018 (TIF) • |
20.03.2018 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 20.03.2018 (edoc) • |
Show all |