Basic information
Status Registered (Pending liquidation proceeding)
Liquidation proceeding, process started on 20.03.2024, grounds for liquidation: 12.12.2023. Valdes lēmums par partijas darbības izbeigšanu (Valdes sēdes protokols Nr. 01/23_A)..
Legal form Political Party
Reg. No 40008137854
Reg. date 16.03.2009
Register Register of Political Parties
Legal Address Daugavas prospekts 27, Ikšķile, LV-5052
Sector (NACE 2.) 94.92 Activities of political organisations
VAT payer
- Registered Excluded
- -
Last updated in the RE 20.03.2024
Operational objectives nodrošināt Latvijas novadu iedzīvotāju līdzdalību valsts un pašvaldību pārvaldē, balstoties uz demokrātiskuma, godīguma un taisnīguma principu ievērošanu, un ņemot vērā novadu kultūras un vēstures mantojumu un ģeogrāfisko stāvokli
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Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (49)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Application (9)
13.03.2024 Application 13.03.2024 (EDOC)
26.04.2022 Application 22.04.2022 (EDOC)
24.04.2020 Application 23.04.2020 (EDOC)
09.04.2018 Application 04.04.2018 (TIF)
26.01.2016 Application 15.12.2015 (TIF)
03.06.2015 Application 05.05.2015 (TIF)
12.04.2013 Application 31.01.2013 (TIF)
15.06.2011 Application 28.03.2011 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Application 24.02.2009 (TIF)
Show all
Articles of Association (2)
26.01.2016 Articles of Association 22.11.2015 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Articles of Association 21.02.2009 (TIF)
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (2)
26.04.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 25.04.2022 (EDOC)
30.04.2020 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 30.04.2020 (PDF)
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (10)
20.03.2024 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 20.03.2024 (edoc)
03.05.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 03.05.2022 (edoc)
09.04.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 09.04.2021 (edoc)
05.05.2020 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 05.05.2020 (edoc)
10.04.2018 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 10.04.2018 (edoc)
26.01.2016 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 22.01.2016 (EDOC)
12.06.2015 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 20.05.2015 (TIF)
12.04.2013 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 11.04.2013 (TIF)
15.06.2011 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 03.06.2011 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 16.03.2009 (TIF)
Show all
List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (7)
09.04.2018 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 04.04.2018 (TIF)
26.01.2016 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 15.12.2015 (TIF)
03.06.2015 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 05.05.2015 (TIF)
12.04.2013 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 31.01.2013 (TIF)
15.06.2011 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 28.03.2011 (TIF)
23.03.2009 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (TIF)
23.03.2009 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 21.02.2009 (TIF)
Show all
Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation (1)
31.03.2021 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 31.03.2021 (EDOC)
Other documents (2)
12.04.2013 Other documents 25.03.2013 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Other documents 21.02.2009 (TIF)
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (10)
20.03.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 12.12.2023 (EDOC)
26.04.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 22.12.2021 (EDOC)
24.04.2020 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 27.12.2019 (EDOC)
09.04.2018 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 10.12.2017 (TIF)
26.01.2016 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 22.11.2015 (TIF)
03.06.2015 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 21.04.2014 (TIF)
12.04.2013 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 10.08.2011 (TIF)
12.04.2013 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 19.01.2013 (TIF)
15.06.2011 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 14.11.2010 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 21.02.2009 (TIF)
Show all
Receipts on the publication and state fees (1)
23.03.2009 Receipts on the publication and state fees 25.02.2009 (TIF)
Registration certificates (1)
23.03.2009 Registration certificates 16.03.2009 (TIF)
Statement regarding the beneficial owners (2)
30.04.2020 Statement regarding the beneficial owners 30.04.2020 (EDOC)
09.04.2018 Statement regarding the beneficial owners 04.04.2018 (TIF)
Submission/Application (2)
15.06.2011 Submission/Application 27.05.2011 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Submission/Application 09.03.2009 (TIF)
2024 (3)
20.03.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 12.12.2023 (EDOC)
20.03.2024 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 20.03.2024 (edoc)
13.03.2024 Application 13.03.2024 (EDOC)
2022 (4)
03.05.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 03.05.2022 (edoc)
26.04.2022 Application 22.04.2022 (EDOC)
26.04.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 22.12.2021 (EDOC)
26.04.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 25.04.2022 (EDOC)
Show all
2021 (2)
09.04.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 09.04.2021 (edoc)
31.03.2021 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 31.03.2021 (EDOC)
2020 (5)
05.05.2020 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 05.05.2020 (edoc)
30.04.2020 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 30.04.2020 (PDF)
30.04.2020 Statement regarding the beneficial owners 30.04.2020 (EDOC)
24.04.2020 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 27.12.2019 (EDOC)
24.04.2020 Application 23.04.2020 (EDOC)
Show all
2018 (5)
10.04.2018 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 10.04.2018 (edoc)
09.04.2018 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 10.12.2017 (TIF)
09.04.2018 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 04.04.2018 (TIF)
09.04.2018 Statement regarding the beneficial owners 04.04.2018 (TIF)
09.04.2018 Application 04.04.2018 (TIF)
Show all
2016 (5)
26.01.2016 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 22.11.2015 (TIF)
26.01.2016 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 15.12.2015 (TIF)
26.01.2016 Application 15.12.2015 (TIF)
26.01.2016 Articles of Association 22.11.2015 (TIF)
26.01.2016 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 22.01.2016 (EDOC)
Show all
2015 (4)
12.06.2015 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 20.05.2015 (TIF)
03.06.2015 Application 05.05.2015 (TIF)
03.06.2015 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 05.05.2015 (TIF)
03.06.2015 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 21.04.2014 (TIF)
Show all
2013 (6)
12.04.2013 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 19.01.2013 (TIF)
12.04.2013 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 10.08.2011 (TIF)
12.04.2013 Application 31.01.2013 (TIF)
12.04.2013 Other documents 25.03.2013 (TIF)
12.04.2013 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 31.01.2013 (TIF)
12.04.2013 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 11.04.2013 (TIF)
Show all
2011 (5)
15.06.2011 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 14.11.2010 (TIF)
15.06.2011 Submission/Application 27.05.2011 (TIF)
15.06.2011 Application 28.03.2011 (TIF)
15.06.2011 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 28.03.2011 (TIF)
15.06.2011 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 03.06.2011 (TIF)
Show all
2009 (10)
23.03.2009 Registration certificates 16.03.2009 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Receipts on the publication and state fees 25.02.2009 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Application 24.02.2009 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 21.02.2009 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 16.03.2009 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Articles of Association 21.02.2009 (TIF)
23.03.2009 Other documents 21.02.2009 (TIF)
23.03.2009 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 21.02.2009 (TIF)
23.03.2009 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (TIF)
23.03.2009 Submission/Application 09.03.2009 (TIF)
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