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Latvijas Būvmateriālu tirgotāju asociācija
Basic information |
Status | Registered | ||||||
Name | Latvijas Būvmateriālu tirgotāju asociācija | ||||||
Legal form | Association | ||||||
Reg. No | 40008035551 | ||||||
Reg. date | 18.06.1998 | ||||||
Register | Register of Associations and Foundations | ||||||
Legal Address | Rīga, Čiekurkalna 2. līnija 74, LV-1026 | ||||||
Sector (NACE 2.) | 94.11 Activities of business and employers membership organisations | ||||||
VAT payer |
Last updated in the RE | 16.05.2022 | ||||||
Operational objectives |
Nodrošināt Asociācijas biedru, būvmateriālu un būvizstrādājumu tirgotāju, importētāju interešu ievērošanu Latvijas un Eiropas Savienības tirgos;
veicināt tirdzniecību Latvijas tirgu ar kvalitatīviem būvmateriāliem un būvizstrādājumiem; veicināt tirdzniecības pakalpojumu līmeņa paaugstināšanu Latvijā būvmateriālu un būvizstrādājumu jomā, lai sekmētu Latvijas integrāciju Eiropas Savienības vienotajā tirgū; veicināt un nodrošināt godīgu konkurenci Asociācijas biedru un Latvijas būvmateriālu tirgotāju vidū, aktīvi cīnoties pret negodīgas konkurences pielietotājiem; izskaust nekorekto maksātāju problēmu Latvijas būvmateriālu tirdzniecības un būvniecības nozarēs; veicināt būvmateriālu tirdzniecībai un būvniecībai labvēlīgu likumdošanas vidi Latvijā; sekmēt Asociācijas biedru saimniecisko izmaksu samazināšanu. |
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading... |
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading... |
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Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (12) |
Financial indicators (annual report data) | |||||
Year | Net sales | Net profit | Equity | Report registered in ER | Number of employees |
Year2024 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2023 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2022 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2021 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2020 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2019 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2018 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2017 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2016 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2015 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2014 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2013 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2012 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2011 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted17.04.2012 | Number of employees |
Year2010 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted12.07.2011 | Number of employees |
Year2009 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted07.11.2011 | Number of employees |
Year2008 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted05.05.2009 | Number of employees |
Year2007 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted05.05.2009 | Number of employees |
Year2006 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted18.06.2007 | Number of employees |
Year2005 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted05.05.2009 | Number of employees |
Year2004 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted05.05.2009 | Number of employees |
Year2003 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted05.05.2009 | Number of employees |
Year2002 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted30.04.2009 | Number of employees |
Year2001 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted30.04.2009 | Number of employees |
Year2000 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted30.04.2009 | Number of employees |
Show more |
Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data) | |||||
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Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading... |
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Documents (in Latvian) (18) |
• Non-public document | |
Group by: Date added Document type | |
Annual report (full) (15) | |
17.04.2012 | 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
17.04.2012 | 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
07.11.2011 | 2009 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
07.11.2011 | 2009 Annual report (full) (RAR) |
12.07.2011 | 2010 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
12.07.2011 | 2010 Annual report (full) (RTF) |
05.05.2009 | 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
05.05.2009 | 2003 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
05.05.2009 | 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
05.05.2009 | 2005 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
05.05.2009 | 2008 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
30.04.2009 | 2002 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
30.04.2009 | 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
30.04.2009 | 2000 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
18.06.2007 | 2006 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
Show all | |
Application (1) | |
22.08.2017 | Application 18.08.2017 (TIF) • |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (1) | |
22.08.2017 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 22.08.2017 (edoc) • |
Submission/Application (1) | |
22.08.2017 | Submission/Application 18.08.2017 (TIF) • |
2017 (3) | |
22.08.2017 | Submission/Application 18.08.2017 (TIF) • |
22.08.2017 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 22.08.2017 (edoc) • |
22.08.2017 | Application 18.08.2017 (TIF) • |
2012 (2) | |
17.04.2012 | 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
17.04.2012 | 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
2011 (4) | |
07.11.2011 | 2009 Annual report (full) (RAR) |
07.11.2011 | 2009 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
12.07.2011 | 2010 Annual report (full) (RTF) |
12.07.2011 | 2010 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
Show all | |
2009 (8) | |
05.05.2009 | 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
05.05.2009 | 2003 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
05.05.2009 | 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
05.05.2009 | 2008 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
05.05.2009 | 2005 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
30.04.2009 | 2002 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
30.04.2009 | 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
30.04.2009 | 2000 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
Show all | |
2007 (1) | |
18.06.2007 | 2006 Annual report (full) (TIF) |