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Stopiņu pagasta politiski represēto biedrība
Basic information |
Status | Registered | ||||||
Name | Stopiņu pagasta politiski represēto biedrība | ||||||
Legal form | Association | ||||||
Reg. No | 40008033599 | ||||||
Reg. date | 19.03.1998 | ||||||
Register | Register of Associations and Foundations | ||||||
Legal Address | Acones iela 4, Ulbroka, Stopiņu pag., Ropažu nov., LV-2130 | ||||||
Sector (NACE 2.) | 94.92 Activities of political organisations | ||||||
VAT payer |
Last updated in the RE | 19.02.2025 | ||||||
Operational objectives |
-- Risināt Stopiņu pagasta politiski represēto personu tiesiskos un sociālos jautājumus un pārstāvēt to intereses novadā un Latvijas republikā;
- apzināt novada politiski represēto dzīves apstākļus un ar attiecīgu institūciju palīdzību sniegt tiem nepieciešamo morālo, sociālo un materiālo atbalstu; - apzināt politiski represēto nometinājumu un apbedījuma vietas; - veicināt represiju upuru mūžīgas piemiņas saglabāšanu, vācot un sistematizējot vēsturiskus dokumentus no vēstures, valstu un personīgiem arhīviem un personu atmiņām kā novadā, tā Latvijā kopumā; - kopā ar novada skolu vadību piedalīties skolēnu patriotiskajā audzināšanā, izskaidrot komunistiskā režīma nodarīto noziegumu sabiedrisko bīstamību un okupācijas seku likvidēšanas nepieciešamību; - sadarboties ar pagasta pašvaldību, citām sabiedriskām un nevalstiskām organizācijām un privātpersonām, ja to darbības mērķis nav pretrunā ar Biedrības mērķiem, uzdevumiem un Latvijas republikas likumdošanu; - izmantot masu informācijas līdzekļus, sistemātiski sagatavot publikācijas par Biedrības darbību; - līdzdarboties Latvijas republikas politiski represēto apvienībā, deleģēt savus pārstāvjus uz konferencēm, kā arī apvienības vadošajos orgānos. |
Areas of activity | Professional association or foundation (pievienots 31.12.2024) |
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading... |
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading... |
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Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (21) |
Financial indicators (annual report data) | |||||
Year | Net sales | Net profit | Equity | Report registered in ER | Number of employees |
Year2024 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted19.02.2025 | Number of employees 0 |
Year2023 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted16.04.2024 | Number of employees 1 |
Year2022 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 92 EUR | Date submitted04.03.2024 | Number of employees 1 |
Year2021 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 2,877 EUR | Date submitted24.05.2022 | Number of employees 0 |
Year2020 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 3,085 EUR | Date submitted13.04.2021 | Number of employees 1 |
Year2019 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 957 EUR | Date submitted06.04.2020 | Number of employees 1 |
Year2018 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 14 EUR | Date submitted12.03.2019 | Number of employees 0 |
Year2017 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 35 EUR | Date submitted13.03.2018 | Number of employees 0 |
Year2016 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 0 EUR | Date submitted14.03.2017 | Number of employees 0 |
Year2015 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted15.03.2016 | Number of employees |
Year2014 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 10 EUR | Date submitted14.03.2015 | Number of employees 1 |
Year2013 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 22 LVL | Date submitted20.02.2014 | Number of employees 1 |
Year2012 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity 6 LVL | Date submitted06.03.2013 | Number of employees 1 |
Year2011 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted20.03.2012 | Number of employees |
Year2010 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted11.04.2011 | Number of employees |
Year2009 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted26.04.2011 | Number of employees |
Year2008 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted03.11.2010 | Number of employees |
Year2007 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted03.06.2008 | Number of employees |
Year2006 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted08.03.2007 | Number of employees |
Year2005 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted21.03.2006 | Number of employees |
Year2004 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2003 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2002 | - | - | - | - | - |
Year2001 | Net sales - | Net profit - | Equity - | Date submitted16.11.2010 | Number of employees |
Show more |
Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data) | |||||
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Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading... |
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Documents (in Latvian) (44) |
• Non-public document | |
Group by: Date added Document type | |
Annual report (full) (29) | |
19.02.2025 | 2024 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
16.04.2024 | 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
04.03.2024 | 2022 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
24.05.2022 | 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
13.04.2021 | 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
06.04.2020 | 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
12.03.2019 | 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
13.03.2018 | 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
14.03.2017 | 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
14.03.2017 | 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
15.03.2016 | 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
15.03.2016 | 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
14.03.2015 | 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
14.03.2015 | 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
20.02.2014 | 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
20.02.2014 | 2013 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
06.03.2013 | 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
06.03.2013 | 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
20.03.2012 | 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
20.03.2012 | 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
26.04.2011 | 2009 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
11.04.2011 | 2010 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
11.04.2011 | 2010 Annual report (full) (JPG) |
16.11.2010 | 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
16.11.2010 | 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
03.11.2010 | 2008 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
03.06.2008 | 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
08.03.2007 | 2006 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
21.03.2006 | 2005 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
Show all | |
Application (2) | |
05.07.2024 | Application 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
16.05.2024 | Application 10.05.2007 (TIF) • |
Articles of Association (2) | |
05.07.2024 | Articles of Association 03.07.2024 (TIF) |
16.05.2024 | Articles of Association 02.11.2005 (TIF) |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (6) | |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
10.05.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 17.04.2024 (TIF) • |
Show all | |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (2) | |
12.07.2024 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 12.07.2024 (edoc) • |
16.05.2024 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 17.05.2007 (TIF) • |
List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (1) | |
16.05.2024 | List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 10.05.2007 (TIF) • |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (2) | |
05.07.2024 | Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
16.05.2024 | Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.03.2007 (TIF) • |
2025 (1) | |
19.02.2025 | 2024 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2024 (17) | |
12.07.2024 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 12.07.2024 (edoc) • |
05.07.2024 | Application 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.07.2024 (TIF) • |
05.07.2024 | Articles of Association 03.07.2024 (TIF) |
16.05.2024 | List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 10.05.2007 (TIF) • |
16.05.2024 | Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 17.05.2007 (TIF) • |
16.05.2024 | Articles of Association 02.11.2005 (TIF) |
16.05.2024 | Application 10.05.2007 (TIF) • |
16.05.2024 | Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.03.2007 (TIF) • |
10.05.2024 | Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 17.04.2024 (TIF) • |
16.04.2024 | 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
04.03.2024 | 2022 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
Show all | |
2022 (1) | |
24.05.2022 | 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2021 (1) | |
13.04.2021 | 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2020 (1) | |
06.04.2020 | 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2019 (1) | |
12.03.2019 | 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2018 (1) | |
13.03.2018 | 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2017 (2) | |
14.03.2017 | 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
14.03.2017 | 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2016 (2) | |
15.03.2016 | 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
15.03.2016 | 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2015 (2) | |
14.03.2015 | 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
14.03.2015 | 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
2014 (2) | |
20.02.2014 | 2013 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
20.02.2014 | 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
2013 (2) | |
06.03.2013 | 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
06.03.2013 | 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2012 (2) | |
20.03.2012 | 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
20.03.2012 | 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
2011 (3) | |
26.04.2011 | 2009 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
11.04.2011 | 2010 Annual report (full) (HTML) |
11.04.2011 | 2010 Annual report (full) (JPG) |
2010 (3) | |
16.11.2010 | 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
16.11.2010 | 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
03.11.2010 | 2008 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
2008 (1) | |
03.06.2008 | 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF) |
2007 (1) | |
08.03.2007 | 2006 Annual report (full) (PDF) |
2006 (1) | |
21.03.2006 | 2005 Annual report (full) (PDF) |