Basic information
Status Registered
Legal form Association
Reg. No 40008010702
Reg. date 06.07.1995
Register Register of Associations and Foundations
Legal Address Ulbrokas iela 23, Rīga, LV-1021
Sector (NACE 2.) 84.12 Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
VAT payer
- Registered Excluded
- -
Last updated in the RE 19.08.2022
Operational objectives Biedrības pamatuzdevums ir brīvprātīgi apvienot ieinteresētās juridiskās personas, kuras nodarbojas ar zāļu vairumtirdzniecību Latvijas Republikā un kurām ir licence šādai darbībai, kuras vēlētos ar savām finansēm, mantu, pieredzi, vai sakariem attīstīt šādus Biedrības darbības mērķus:
sadarbības veicināšana ar Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministriju, kā arī citām valsts un pašvaldības iestādēm, kā arī sabiedriskām organizācijām, lai veicinātu Latvijas zāļu un medicīnas preču tirgus pilnveidošanu;
veicināt sociāli atbildīgu pilna sortimenta zāļu lieltirgotavu attīstību, kuras būtu spējīgas sniegt atbalstu valstij krīzes situācijās un nodrošināt nacionāla mēroga zāļu un medicīnas preču apgādi visā Latvijas teritorijā;
analītisku un pētniecisku procesu veicināšana zāļu tirgus izpētes un medicīniskās informācijas jomā;
veicināt sadarbību ar tirgotāju un ražotāju organizācijām Latvijā, lai koordinētu un veicinātu starpnozaru attīstības un sadarbības jautājumus;
veicināt sadarbību ar citu valstu zāļu lieltirgotavām, to profesionālām apvienībām un organizācijām, piedalīties analoģisku starptautisko organizāciju darbā;
pārstāvēt Biedrības biedru intereses un tiesības valsts pārvaldes institūcijās, vietējās un starptautiskās nevalstiskajās organizācijās un citās institūcijās;
aktīva līdzdalība likumdošanas procesos, pārstāvot zāļu lieltirgotavu intereses;
u.c. ar likumu pieļaujamā darbība.
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading...
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading...
Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (23)
Financial indicators (annual report data)
Year Net sales Net profit Equity Report registered in ER Number of employees
Year2024 - - - - -
Year2023 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 10,375 EUR Date submitted13.05.2024 Number of employees 1
Year2022 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 11,370 EUR Date submitted01.03.2024 Number of employees 1
Year2021 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 10,865 EUR Date submitted04.03.2022 Number of employees 1
Year2020 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 9,465 EUR Date submitted26.03.2021 Number of employees 1
Year2019 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 11,030 EUR Date submitted24.02.2020 Number of employees 1
Year2018 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 16,867 EUR Date submitted25.03.2019 Number of employees 1
Year2017 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 8,705 EUR Date submitted08.03.2018 Number of employees 1
Year2016 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 6,405 EUR Date submitted15.03.2017 Number of employees 1
Year2015 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted18.03.2016 Number of employees
Year2014 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 14,087 EUR Date submitted24.03.2015 Number of employees 1
Year2013 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 8,029 LVL Date submitted26.03.2014 Number of employees 2
Year2012 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 5,402 LVL Date submitted19.03.2013 Number of employees 2
Year2011 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted21.03.2012 Number of employees
Year2010 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted02.05.2011 Number of employees
Year2009 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted02.05.2011 Number of employees
Year2008 - - - - -
Year2007 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted28.05.2008 Number of employees
Year2006 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted27.03.2007 Number of employees
Year2005 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted29.01.2007 Number of employees
Year2004 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted09.08.2022 Number of employees
Year2003 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted09.08.2022 Number of employees
Year2002 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted09.08.2022 Number of employees
Year2001 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted09.08.2022 Number of employees
Year2000 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted09.08.2022 Number of employees
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Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data)
Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (108)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Annual report (full) (31)
13.05.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.03.2024 2022 Annual report (full) (PDF)
09.08.2022 2002 Annual report (full) (TIF)
09.08.2022 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF)
09.08.2022 2003 Annual report (full) (TIF)
09.08.2022 2000 Annual report (full) (TIF)
09.08.2022 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF)
04.03.2022 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF)
26.03.2021 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF)
24.02.2020 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF)
25.03.2019 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF)
08.03.2018 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF)
15.03.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
15.03.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
18.03.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
18.03.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
24.03.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
24.03.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML)
26.03.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
26.03.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML)
19.03.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
19.03.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML)
21.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
21.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML)
02.05.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
02.05.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (HTML)
02.05.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (XML)
02.05.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (HTML)
28.05.2008 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF)
27.03.2007 2006 Annual report (full) (TIF)
29.01.2007 2005 Annual report (full) (TIF)
Show all
Application (8)
19.08.2022 Application 19.08.2022 (EDOC)
09.08.2022 Application 26.05.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 14.02.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 17.04.2008 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 06.03.2015 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 12.02.2013 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 21.01.2011 (TIF)
03.03.2017 Application 03.03.2017 (EDOC)
Show all
Articles of Association (4)
19.08.2022 Articles of Association 26.07.2022 (edoc)
09.08.2022 Articles of Association 11.02.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Articles of Association 21.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Articles of Association 21.06.1995 (TIF)
Show all
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (10)
19.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 26.07.2022 (edoc)
19.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 26.07.2022 (edoc)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.01.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.01.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.03.2015 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.03.2015 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 12.02.2013 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 12.02.2013 (TIF)
03.03.2017 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.03.2017 (EDOC)
03.03.2017 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 21.02.2017 (EDOC)
Show all
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (9)
19.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 19.08.2022 (edoc)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 11.10.2000 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 14.06.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 15.03.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 12.05.2008 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 19.02.2013 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 02.02.2011 (TIF)
09.03.2017 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 09.03.2017 (edoc)
16.03.2015 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 16.03.2015 (EDOC)
Show all
Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs (1)
09.08.2022 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 06.07.1995 (TIF)
List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (4)
09.08.2022 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 29.11.1999 (TIF)
09.08.2022 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 06.12.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 21.01.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 17.04.2008 (TIF)
Show all
Other documents (5)
09.08.2022 Other documents 07.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Other documents 21.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Other documents 06.04.2000 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Other documents 20.03.2000 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Other documents 24.03.2000 (TIF)
Show all
Power of attorney, act of empowerment (16)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 12.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 09.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 07.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 09.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 14.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 08.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 14.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 08.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 12.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 14.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 12.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 14.02.2005 (TIF)
Show all
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (11)
19.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 19.08.2022 (EDOC)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 21.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 16.04.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 27.04.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 11.02.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 06.12.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 21.01.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 01.04.2008 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 06.03.2015 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 12.02.2013 (TIF)
03.03.2017 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.02.2017 (EDOC)
Show all
Receipts on the publication and state fees (4)
09.08.2022 Receipts on the publication and state fees 22.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Receipts on the publication and state fees 05.07.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Receipts on the publication and state fees 28.05.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Receipts on the publication and state fees 06.05.2008 (TIF)
Show all
Registration certificates (4)
09.08.2022 Registration certificates 21.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Registration certificates 06.07.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Registration certificates 06.07.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Registration certificates 15.03.2005 (TIF)
Show all
Submission/Application (1)
09.08.2022 Submission/Application 06.10.2000 (TIF)
2024 (2)
13.05.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.03.2024 2022 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2022 (77)
19.08.2022 Application 19.08.2022 (EDOC)
19.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 19.08.2022 (edoc)
19.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 19.08.2022 (EDOC)
19.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 26.07.2022 (edoc)
19.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 26.07.2022 (edoc)
19.08.2022 Articles of Association 26.07.2022 (edoc)
09.08.2022 Other documents 06.04.2000 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 14.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 09.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 07.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 09.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 12.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Other documents 24.03.2000 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Other documents 20.03.2000 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Registration certificates 15.03.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Other documents 21.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 08.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 17.04.2008 (TIF)
09.08.2022 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 21.01.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 06.12.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 29.11.1999 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions of the Board of Religious Affairs 06.07.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 02.02.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 19.02.2013 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 12.05.2008 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Other documents 07.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 08.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 14.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 06.12.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Registration certificates 06.07.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Registration certificates 21.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Receipts on the publication and state fees 06.05.2008 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Receipts on the publication and state fees 28.05.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Receipts on the publication and state fees 05.07.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Receipts on the publication and state fees 22.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 12.02.2013 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 06.03.2015 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 01.04.2008 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 21.01.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 11.02.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Registration certificates 06.07.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 27.04.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 16.04.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 21.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 14.02.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 12.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 14.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 15.03.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 12.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 11.10.2000 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 14.06.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 21.01.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 2002 Annual report (full) (TIF)
09.08.2022 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF)
09.08.2022 2003 Annual report (full) (TIF)
09.08.2022 2000 Annual report (full) (TIF)
09.08.2022 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 26.05.2004 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 14.02.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 17.04.2008 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 06.03.2015 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Application 12.02.2013 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Submission/Application 06.10.2000 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Articles of Association 11.02.2005 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Articles of Association 21.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Articles of Association 21.06.1995 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.01.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.01.2011 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.03.2015 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 06.03.2015 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 12.02.2013 (TIF)
09.08.2022 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 12.02.2013 (TIF)
04.03.2022 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF)
Show all
2021 (1)
26.03.2021 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2020 (1)
24.02.2020 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2019 (1)
25.03.2019 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2018 (1)
08.03.2018 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2017 (7)
15.03.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
15.03.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
09.03.2017 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 09.03.2017 (edoc)
03.03.2017 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.02.2017 (EDOC)
03.03.2017 Application 03.03.2017 (EDOC)
03.03.2017 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 03.03.2017 (EDOC)
03.03.2017 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 21.02.2017 (EDOC)
Show all
2016 (2)
18.03.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
18.03.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
2015 (3)
24.03.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML)
24.03.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
16.03.2015 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 16.03.2015 (EDOC)
2014 (2)
26.03.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML)
26.03.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
2013 (2)
19.03.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
19.03.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML)
2012 (2)
21.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
21.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML)
2011 (4)
02.05.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
02.05.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (XML)
02.05.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (HTML)
02.05.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (HTML)
Show all
2008 (1)
28.05.2008 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF)
2007 (2)
27.03.2007 2006 Annual report (full) (TIF)
29.01.2007 2005 Annual report (full) (TIF)
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