Latvijas Biškopības biedrība

Basic information
Status Registered
Name Latvijas Biškopības biedrība
Legal form Association
Reg. No 40008003310
Reg. date 13.09.1994
Register Register of Associations and Foundations
Legal Address Rīgas iela 22C, Jelgava, LV-3004
Sector (NACE 2.) 94.12 Activities of professional membership organisations
VAT payer
LV40008003310 Registered Excluded
15.02.2005 -
19.09.1995 01.01.1998
Last updated in the RE 29.01.2025
Operational objectives Nodrošināt tiesiskos, organizatoriskos, tehniskos un citus priekšnosacījumus biškopības nozares attīstībai Latvijā;
veicināt ilgtspējīgu, videi draudzīgu un līdzsvarotu ražošanu un apkārtējās vides un dabas aizsardzību, lai nodrošinātu biškopības nozares ilgtspējīgu attīstību tīrā vidē;
veicināt biškopības nozares ekonomisko attīstību, biškopības produktu ražošanu un realizāciju, kā arī nodrošināt Latvijas biškopju sekmīgu darbību Eiropas Savienības kopējā tirgus ekonomisko attiecību apstākļos;
veicināt biškopju sabiedrības līdzdalību vides politikas izstrādē un īstenošanā, piedalīties normatīvo aktu un politikas plānošanas dokumentu sagatavošanā jautājumos, kas skar vides politiku un tiešā vai pastarpinātā veidā var ietekmēt bites un biškopību; veicināt sadarbību un informācijas apmaiņu šajā jomā starp atsevišķām personām un sabiedrību kopumā, kā arī valsts iestādēm un pašvaldībām;
radīt priekšnosacījumus valstī, lai visi biškopji stingri ievērotu dravu sanitārās normas un nepieļautu bišu infekcijas un invāzijas slimību izplatīšanos Latvijā;
organizēt un pārraudzīt zinātniskos pētījumus, kas saistīti ar biškopības attīstību valstī;
piešķirtā finansējuma apjomā izstrādāt un realizēt projektus un programmas, kuru nepieciešamību nosaka Latvijas un Eiropas Savienības likumdošana vai, kuri ir nepieciešami nozares attīstības veicināšanai;
radīt priekšnosacījumus, lai valstī nebūtu iespējams pirkt un pārdot falsificētu biškopības produkciju, kā arī biškopības produkciju, kuras ražošanas un pirmsapstrādes procesā būtu pārkāptas obligātās tehnoloģiskās prasības;
organizēt ciltsdarbu biškopības nozarē, izstrādāt un realizēt ciltsdarba programmas, sagatavot priekšlikums ciltsdarbu regulējošo normatīvo aktu projektiem;
veicināt Latvijas vietējās bites (Apis mellifera mellifera L.) ģenētisko resursu saglabāšanu;
veicināt dravu materiāli tehnisko nodrošinājumu;
organizēt pasākumus, kas pilnveido biškopju profesionālās zināšanas.
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading...
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading...
Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (19)
Financial indicators (annual report data)
Year Net sales Net profit Equity Report registered in ER Number of employees
Year2024 - - - - -
Year2023 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 611,380 EUR Date submitted17.05.2024 Number of employees 10
Year2022 - - - - -
Year2021 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 764,348 EUR Date submitted19.05.2022 Number of employees 10
Year2020 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 596,934 EUR Date submitted18.05.2021 Number of employees 10
Year2019 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 628,401 EUR Date submitted23.03.2020 Number of employees 11
Year2018 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 594,964 EUR Date submitted22.03.2019 Number of employees 11
Year2017 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 559,902 EUR Date submitted23.03.2018 Number of employees 11
Year2016 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 517,596 EUR Date submitted30.03.2017 Number of employees 11
Year2015 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted03.04.2016 Number of employees
Year2014 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 430,107 EUR Date submitted01.04.2015 Number of employees 11
Year2013 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 207,624 LVL Date submitted27.03.2014 Number of employees 11
Year2012 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 164,608 LVL Date submitted27.03.2013 Number of employees 10
Year2011 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted29.03.2012 Number of employees
Year2010 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted25.07.2011 Number of employees
Year2009 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted23.08.2011 Number of employees
Year2008 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted07.04.2009 Number of employees
Year2007 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted27.05.2008 Number of employees
Year2006 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted19.04.2007 Number of employees
Year2005 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted24.01.2007 Number of employees
Year2004 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted01.06.2012 Number of employees
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Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data)
Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (111)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Annual report (full) (25)
17.05.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
19.05.2022 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF)
18.05.2021 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF)
23.03.2020 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF)
22.03.2019 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF)
23.03.2018 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF)
30.03.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
30.03.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
03.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
03.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML)
27.03.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (PDF)
27.03.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML)
27.03.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF)
27.03.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML)
01.06.2012 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF)
29.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
29.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML)
23.08.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (TIF)
25.07.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (TIF)
07.04.2009 2008 Annual report (full) (TIF)
27.05.2008 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF)
19.04.2007 2006 Annual report (full) (TIF)
24.01.2007 2005 Annual report (full) (TIF)
Show all
Application (15)
29.01.2025 Application 17.01.2025 (edoc)
10.07.2024 Application 17.06.2024 (TIF)
14.11.2023 Application 13.11.2023 (EDOC)
05.10.2023 Application 21.09.2023 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Application 22.10.2021 (EDOC)
06.07.2015 Application 03.06.2015 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Application 22.05.2012 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Application 14.03.2014 (TIF)
03.08.2012 Application 22.05.2012 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 14.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 13.10.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 25.03.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 01.03.2010 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 17.12.2007 (TIF)
Show all
Articles of Association (5)
20.03.2014 Articles of Association 28.02.2014 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Articles of Association 30.09.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Articles of Association 07.01.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Articles of Association 14.03.1996 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Articles of Association 30.08.1994 (TIF)
Show all
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (11)
29.01.2025 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 20.01.2025 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 20.01.2025 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 21.01.2025 (edoc)
10.07.2024 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 18.06.2024 (TIF)
14.11.2023 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 02.11.2023 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.09.2021 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.09.2021 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.09.2021 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.09.2021 (edoc)
20.03.2014 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 17.05.2012 (TIF)
03.08.2012 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 17.05.2012 (TIF)
Show all
Cover letter (1)
20.03.2014 Cover letter 25.07.2012 (TIF)
Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities (1)
01.06.2012 Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities 20.09.1994 (TIF)
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (16)
29.01.2025 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 29.01.2025 (edoc)
17.07.2024 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 17.07.2024 (edoc)
14.11.2023 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 14.11.2023 (edoc)
05.10.2023 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 05.10.2023 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 25.10.2021 (edoc)
06.07.2015 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 17.06.2015 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 19.03.2014 (TIF)
03.08.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 03.08.2012 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 28.09.2001 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 15.12.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 14.01.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 01.04.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 07.10.2009 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 06.04.2010 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 28.04.1997 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 08.06.2001 (TIF)
Show all
List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (2)
01.06.2012 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 13.10.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 02.07.2001 (TIF)
Memorandum of Association (1)
01.06.2012 Memorandum of Association 30.08.1994 (TIF)
Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation (5)
29.01.2025 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 28.11.2024 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 30.11.2024 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 20.09.2024 (edoc)
10.07.2024 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 20.05.2024 (TIF)
14.11.2023 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 01.11.2023 (edoc)
Show all
Other documents (4)
20.03.2014 Other documents 17.05.2012 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Other documents 07.01.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Other documents 13.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Other documents 31.05.2001 (TIF)
Show all
Power of attorney, act of empowerment (1)
01.06.2012 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 30.08.1994 (TIF)
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (13)
29.01.2025 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 07.01.2025 (edoc)
10.07.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.06.2024 (TIF)
14.11.2023 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 02.11.2023 (EDOC)
25.10.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 28.09.2021 (EDOC)
20.03.2014 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 28.02.2014 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.05.2012 (TIF)
03.08.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.05.2012 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 07.01.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.03.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 14.03.1996 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 29.06.2000 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 30.09.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 01.03.2010 (TIF)
Show all
Receipts on the publication and state fees (5)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 17.12.2007 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 24.04.1997 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 19.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 25.09.2009 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 25.03.2008 (TIF)
Show all
Registration certificates (4)
01.06.2012 Registration certificates 13.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Registration certificates 13.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Registration certificates 13.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Registration certificates 15.12.2004 (TIF)
Show all
Submission/Application (2)
03.08.2012 Submission/Application 25.07.2012 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Submission/Application 08.01.2008 (TIF)
2025 (9)
29.01.2025 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 21.01.2025 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 20.01.2025 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 20.01.2025 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 28.11.2024 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 30.11.2024 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 20.09.2024 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 29.01.2025 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Application 17.01.2025 (edoc)
29.01.2025 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 07.01.2025 (edoc)
Show all
2024 (6)
17.07.2024 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 17.07.2024 (edoc)
10.07.2024 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.06.2024 (TIF)
10.07.2024 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 18.06.2024 (TIF)
10.07.2024 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 20.05.2024 (TIF)
10.07.2024 Application 17.06.2024 (TIF)
17.05.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
Show all
2023 (7)
14.11.2023 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 02.11.2023 (edoc)
14.11.2023 Notice of a member of the Board regarding the resignation 01.11.2023 (edoc)
14.11.2023 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 14.11.2023 (edoc)
14.11.2023 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 02.11.2023 (EDOC)
14.11.2023 Application 13.11.2023 (EDOC)
05.10.2023 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 05.10.2023 (edoc)
05.10.2023 Application 21.09.2023 (edoc)
Show all
2022 (1)
19.05.2022 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2021 (8)
25.10.2021 Application 22.10.2021 (EDOC)
25.10.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 25.10.2021 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.09.2021 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.09.2021 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 28.09.2021 (EDOC)
25.10.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.09.2021 (edoc)
25.10.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.09.2021 (edoc)
18.05.2021 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF)
Show all
2020 (1)
23.03.2020 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2019 (1)
22.03.2019 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2018 (1)
23.03.2018 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2017 (2)
30.03.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
30.03.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2016 (2)
03.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
03.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2015 (4)
06.07.2015 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 17.06.2015 (TIF)
06.07.2015 Application 03.06.2015 (TIF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
Show all
2014 (11)
27.03.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML)
27.03.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (PDF)
20.03.2014 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 17.05.2012 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Other documents 17.05.2012 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Application 22.05.2012 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.05.2012 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Application 14.03.2014 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Articles of Association 28.02.2014 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 19.03.2014 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Cover letter 25.07.2012 (TIF)
20.03.2014 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 28.02.2014 (TIF)
Show all
2013 (2)
27.03.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML)
27.03.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2012 (50)
03.08.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 17.05.2012 (TIF)
03.08.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 03.08.2012 (TIF)
03.08.2012 Submission/Application 25.07.2012 (TIF)
03.08.2012 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 17.05.2012 (TIF)
03.08.2012 Application 22.05.2012 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities 20.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Other documents 13.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Articles of Association 30.08.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 30.08.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 07.01.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.03.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 14.03.1996 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 29.06.2000 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 30.09.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 01.03.2010 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 17.12.2007 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 24.04.1997 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 19.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 25.09.2009 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Receipts on the publication and state fees 25.03.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Registration certificates 13.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Registration certificates 13.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Registration certificates 13.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Registration certificates 15.12.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF)
01.06.2012 Other documents 07.01.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Other documents 31.05.2001 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Submission/Application 08.01.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 08.06.2001 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Articles of Association 14.03.1996 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Articles of Association 07.01.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Articles of Association 30.09.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 17.12.2007 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 01.03.2010 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 28.09.2001 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 15.12.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 14.01.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 01.04.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 07.10.2009 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 06.04.2010 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 28.04.1997 (TIF)
01.06.2012 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 13.10.2004 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 14.09.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 02.07.2001 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Memorandum of Association 30.08.1994 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 25.03.2008 (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application (TIF)
01.06.2012 Application 13.10.2004 (TIF)
29.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
29.03.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML)
Show all
2011 (2)
23.08.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (TIF)
25.07.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (TIF)
2009 (1)
07.04.2009 2008 Annual report (full) (TIF)
2008 (1)
27.05.2008 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF)
2007 (2)
19.04.2007 2006 Annual report (full) (TIF)
24.01.2007 2005 Annual report (full) (TIF)
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