Vieglās rūpniecības uzņēmumu asociācija

Basic information
Status Registered
Name Vieglās rūpniecības uzņēmumu asociācija
Legal form Association
Reg. No 40003181451
Reg. date 23.02.1994
Register Register of Associations and Foundations
Legal Address Ernesta Birznieka-Upīša iela 20A - 8, Rīga, LV-1050
Sector (NACE 2.) 94.12 Activities of professional membership organisations
VAT payer
LV40003181451 Registered Excluded
16.11.2009 -
01.04.1998 22.05.2007
Last updated in the RE 08.11.2021
Operational objectives Piesaistīt uzņēmējus un personas, kas nodarbojas ar vieglās rūpniecības produktu ražošanu, tirdzniecību un dizainu kopīgas rīcības programmas noteikšanai un īstenošanai un īstenošanai;
pārstāvēt vieglās rūpniecības produkcijas ražotāju likumīgās intereses valsts varas un pārvaldes institūcijās un starptautiskās organizācijās;
iesaistīties vieglās rūpniecības nozares starptautiskajās organizācijās un sekot līdzi tur notiekošajiem procesiem un novadīt līdz biedriem Latvijā un starptautiskajās organizācijās pieņemtos lēmumus un direktīvas;
nodrošināt saikni ar citām šāda veida organizācijām Eiropā un starptautiskā līmenī, lai veicinātu vieglās rūpniecības produkcijas tirdzniecību šajos tirgos;
pārstāvēt Biedrības biedrus kā vienotu kopumu attiecībās ar radniecīgajām organizācijām Latvijā un ārzemēs un nodrošināt Biedrības biedrus ar visa veida informāciju, kas iegūta no šīm organizācijām;
apvienot uzņēmējus, organizēt to konkrētu rīcību rūpnieciskās ražošanas stabilizācijai, gatavās produkcijas un pakalpojumu efektīvai realizācijai pasaules tirgos;
būt starpposmam starp uzņēmējiem un valdības institūcijām gadījumos, kad nepieciešama vienota uzņēmēju darbība;
koordinēt un veicināt rūpniecības uzņēmumu saimniecisko darbību, nolūkā panākt rūpnieciskās ražošanas pakāpenisku atjaunošanos un augšupeju brīvā tirgus apstākļos, tādā veidā nodrošinot iedzīvotāju nodarbinātību un tautas saimniecības attīstību;
atgūt zaudētās pozīcijas Austrumu tirgū, iekarot vietu pasaules tirgos;
sakaru organizācija ar ārzemju rūpniekiem, vietējām un ārzemju komercstruktūrām;
uzņēmumu darbības koordinācija, finansu resursu apvienošana un izlietošana organizējot tirdzniecības centrus;
reklāmas un tirgus izpētes darbu koordinācija;
informācijas sniegšana uzņēmējiem par produkcijas realizācijas, materiālu iegādes iespējām, esošo un perspektīvo tirgus pieprasījumu;
darbu koordinācija jaunas produkcijas izstrādē, ražošanas sagatavošanā un savstarpējās kooperācijas organizēšana;
patstāvīgi vai kopīgi ar citām organizācijām gatavot priekšlikumus valdības institūcijām par rūpniecības attīstību, strādājošo nodarbinātības jautājumiem, veicināt šo priekšlikumu pieņemšanu un īstenošanu;
konsultatīvo darbību veikšana un uzņēmēju apmācību organizēšana;
iesaistīties vieglās rūpniecības produkcijas pielietojuma un nozares popularizēšanā;
apkopot un popularizēt Biedrības biedru vidū informāciju par ražotās un realizētās produkcijas apjomiem, izlietotām izejvielām, tehnikas, tehnoloģijas un ekonomisko stāvokli nozarē;
veikt tirgus pētījumus un sniegt atbalstu Biedrības biedriem mārketingā;
iesniegt ierosinājumus un pieprasījumus Latvijas Republikas valsts varas institūcijās likumprojektu un citos veidos;
iesaistīties nozares attīstības prognozēšanā un rekonstrukciju izstrādē;
veicināt zinātnes un ražošanas integrāciju;
veicināt koleģialitāti un sadarbību biedru vidū, organizējot Latvijā un ārzemēs izstādes, konkursus, radošus komandējumus, seminārus, konferences, simpozijus un citus izglītojošus pasākumus;
iesaistīties profesionālās izglītības un kvalificētu darbinieku pēcapmācības programmu pilnveidošanā;
popularizēt nozares intereses masu mēdijos;
veikt citus uzdevumus, kas nav pretrunā ar pastāvošajām Biedrības prasībām.
Interest in other entities, reorganizations, branches Loading...
Shareholders, true beneficiaries, officials Loading...
Total taxes declared, turnover and profit (26)
Financial indicators (annual report data)
Year Net sales Net profit Equity Report registered in ER Number of employees
Year2024 - - - - -
Year2023 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 37,813 EUR Date submitted13.05.2024 Number of employees 3
Year2022 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 16,411 EUR Date submitted01.03.2024 Number of employees 2
Year2021 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 27,256 EUR Date submitted29.06.2022 Number of employees 2
Year2020 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 37,947 EUR Date submitted30.06.2021 Number of employees 2
Year2019 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 17,575 EUR Date submitted06.05.2020 Number of employees 2
Year2018 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 7,281 EUR Date submitted01.04.2019 Number of employees 3
Year2017 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 8,808 EUR Date submitted03.04.2018 Number of employees 3
Year2016 Net sales - Net profit - Equity -31,740 EUR Date submitted01.04.2017 Number of employees 3
Year2015 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted01.04.2016 Number of employees
Year2014 Net sales - Net profit - Equity 5,227 EUR Date submitted01.04.2015 Number of employees 4
Year2013 Net sales - Net profit - Equity -5,852 LVL Date submitted01.04.2014 Number of employees 4
Year2012 Net sales - Net profit - Equity -1,934 LVL Date submitted03.04.2013 Number of employees 3
Year2011 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted01.04.2012 Number of employees
Year2010 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted12.07.2011 Number of employees
Year2009 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted07.11.2011 Number of employees
Year2008 - - - - -
Year2007 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted14.04.2008 Number of employees
Year2006 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted25.04.2007 Number of employees
Year2005 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted10.08.2006 Number of employees
Year2004 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted10.08.2006 Number of employees
Year2003 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted06.05.2021 Number of employees
Year2002 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted11.05.2021 Number of employees
Year2001 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted11.05.2021 Number of employees
Year2000 - - - - -
Year1999 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted11.05.2021 Number of employees
Year1998 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted11.05.2021 Number of employees
Year1997 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted12.05.2021 Number of employees
Year1996 Net sales - Net profit - Equity - Date submitted12.05.2021 Number of employees
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Tax payments to the general government budget, rounded to the nearest tenth (SRS data)
Commercial pledges, tax debts, operating restrictions and prohibitions, insolvency proceedings Loading...
Documents (in Latvian) (249)
Non-public document
Group by: Date added Document type
Amendments to the Articles of Association (5)
12.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
12.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
11.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
11.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
11.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
Show all
Annual report (full) (55)
13.05.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.03.2024 2022 Annual report (full) (PDF)
29.06.2022 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF)
30.06.2021 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF)
12.05.2021 1996 Annual report (full) (TIF)
12.05.2021 1997 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 1998 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 1999 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 2002 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 2002 Annual report (full) (TIF)
06.05.2021 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF)
06.05.2021 2003 Annual report (full) (TIF)
06.05.2020 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2019 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF)
03.04.2018 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
01.04.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML)
01.04.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (HTML)
12.07.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (XML)
12.07.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (XML)
12.07.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (HTML)
14.04.2008 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF)
25.04.2007 2006 Annual report (full) (TIF)
10.08.2006 2005 Annual report (full) (TIF)
10.08.2006 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF)
Show all
Application (19)
12.05.2021 Application 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application 29.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application 17.03.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application 17.03.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application 26.06.1998 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 22.10.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 23.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 20.01.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 15.05.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 18.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 18.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 18.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 11.11.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 29.03.2005 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 29.04.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 12.09.2007 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 02.08.2016 (TIF)
06.05.2021 Application 27.04.2021 (edoc)
Show all
Articles of Association (2)
12.05.2021 Articles of Association 10.01.1994 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Articles of Association 11.11.2004 (TIF)
Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity (20)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 31.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 10.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 06.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 08.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 28.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 20.11.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 27.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 11.11.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 25.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 13.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 15.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 29.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 08.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 22.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 08.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 15.03.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 14.03.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 14.03.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 13.03.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 14.03.1996 (TIF)
Show all
Confirmation or consent to legal address (1)
12.05.2021 Confirmation or consent to legal address 15.02.1994 (TIF)
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director (2)
11.05.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.07.2016 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 27.07.2016 (TIF)
Copy of the personal identification document (3)
11.05.2021 Copy of the personal identification document 28.10.1997 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Copy of the personal identification document 15.01.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Copy of the personal identification document 15.01.1999 (TIF)
Cover letter (3)
12.05.2021 Cover letter 04.12.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Cover letter 15.03.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Cover letter 22.10.1999 (TIF)
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries (12)
12.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 30.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 05.05.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 02.07.1998 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 27.10.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 25.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 13.02.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 26.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 10.12.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 20.09.2007 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 08.08.2016 (TIF)
06.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 06.05.2021 (edoc)
Show all
Documents attesting the transfer of shares (2)
12.05.2021 Documents attesting the transfer of shares 25.11.1997 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Documents attesting the transfer of shares 08.05.2003 (TIF)
List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (3)
11.05.2021 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (TIF)
11.05.2021 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (TIF)
11.05.2021 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 12.09.2007 (TIF)
Memorandum of association (1)
12.05.2021 Memorandum of association 03.01.1994 (TIF)
Other documents (27)
12.05.2021 Other documents 22.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 12.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 17.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 16.12.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 12.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 03.12.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 03.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 08.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 09.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 03.12.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 15.02.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 05.02.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 01.03.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 24.11.1994 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 20.10.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 15.06.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 07.12.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 05.05.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 10.03.2005 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 12.05.2006 (TIF)
Show all
Power of attorney, act of empowerment (15)
12.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 20.03.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 15.02.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 29.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 29.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 10.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 05.07.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 31.01.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 18.03.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 23.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 15.05.2003 (TIF)
Show all
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation (12)
12.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 10.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 15.02.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 12.03.1997 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 29.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 04.08.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 19.01.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.12.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 15.05.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 11.11.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 10.03.2005 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 12.09.2007 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 28.07.2016 (TIF)
Show all
Receipts on the publication and state fees (11)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 03.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 03.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 29.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 29.04.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 30.06.1998 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 24.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 31.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 06.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 06.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 26.11.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 17.09.2007 (TIF)
Show all
Registration certificates (38)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 29.07.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 21.10.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.10.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 20.07.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 19.09.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 08.05.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 07.09.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 27.03.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 05.04.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 12.07.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 16.05.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 26.07.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 18.06.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 17.06.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 05.09.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 04.10.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 05.09.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 04.02.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 29.07.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 04.06.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 12.11.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 19.07.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 31.07.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 29.07.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 07.04.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.06.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.10.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 05.03.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.04.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.07.1991 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 29.05.1991 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 19.07.1991 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 21.07.1994 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 07.04.1994 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 10.12.2004 (TIF)
Show all
Regulations for the increase/reduction of the equity (1)
12.05.2021 Regulations for the increase/reduction of the equity 15.02.1996 (TIF)
Sample report (2)
12.05.2021 Sample report (TIF)
12.05.2021 Sample report 29.04.1997 (TIF)
Shareholders’ register (5)
12.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 03.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 15.02.1996 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 29.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 20.12.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 15.05.2003 (TIF)
Show all
Statement of the Board regarding the payment of the equity (1)
12.05.2021 Statement of the Board regarding the payment of the equity 29.04.1996 (TIF)
Submission/Application (9)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application 12.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application 16.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application 13.12.1993 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Submission/Application 24.08.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Submission/Application 13.05.2003 (TIF)
Show all
2024 (2)
13.05.2024 2023 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.03.2024 2022 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2022 (1)
29.06.2022 2021 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2021 (204)
30.06.2021 2020 Annual report (full) (PDF)
12.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 14.03.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 08.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 22.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 08.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 15.03.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 14.03.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 14.03.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 13.03.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 15.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Confirmation or consent to legal address 15.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Cover letter 04.12.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Cover letter 15.03.1999 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 29.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 11.11.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 13.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 25.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 30.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 27.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 20.11.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 28.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 08.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 06.09.1995 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 10.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Bank statements or other document regarding the payment of the equity 31.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 03.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Articles of Association 10.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 29.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 29.04.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 12.03.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 05.05.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 16.12.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 20.03.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 24.11.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 01.03.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 05.02.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 15.02.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 03.12.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 09.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 08.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 03.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 03.12.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 12.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 17.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 02.07.1998 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 12.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Other documents 22.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Memorandum of association 03.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
12.05.2021 Documents attesting the transfer of shares 25.11.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 10.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 15.02.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 29.07.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 30.06.1998 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 03.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 21.10.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Regulations for the increase/reduction of the equity 15.02.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 19.07.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 31.07.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 29.07.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 07.04.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.06.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.10.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 05.03.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.04.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.07.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Sample report (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 04.06.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Sample report 29.04.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 03.01.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 15.02.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Statement of the Board regarding the payment of the equity 29.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application 12.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application 11.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application (TIF)
12.05.2021 1997 Annual report (full) (TIF)
12.05.2021 1996 Annual report (full) (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application 16.11.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Submission/Application 13.12.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 12.11.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 01.10.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 29.07.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 05.04.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application 26.06.1998 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application 17.03.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application 17.03.1997 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application 29.04.1996 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Application 23.02.1994 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 20.07.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 19.09.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 04.02.1993 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 08.05.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 07.09.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 27.03.1992 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 15.02.1999 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 12.07.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 17.06.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 04.10.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 16.05.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 26.07.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 18.06.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 05.09.1991 (TIF)
12.05.2021 Registration certificates 05.09.1991 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 28.07.2016 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 24.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 31.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 06.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 06.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 17.09.2007 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Receipts on the publication and state fees 26.11.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 15.05.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 10.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 29.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Submission/Application 24.08.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 28.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 12.09.2007 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 20.12.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 31.01.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 04.08.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 29.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 15.05.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 23.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 20.12.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 18.03.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 29.05.1991 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 05.07.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Shareholders’ register 29.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 21.07.1994 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 07.04.1994 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 10.12.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 15.05.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 11.11.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 10.03.2005 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation 19.01.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Registration certificates 19.07.1991 (TIF)
11.05.2021 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (TIF)
11.05.2021 Power of attorney, act of empowerment 29.09.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 23.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 12.09.2007 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 29.04.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 29.03.2005 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 11.11.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 18.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 18.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 18.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 15.05.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 20.01.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 22.10.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Articles of Association 11.11.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 12.05.2006 (TIF)
11.05.2021 2002 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 2002 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 2001 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 1999 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 1998 Annual report (full) (TIF)
11.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
11.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
11.05.2021 Amendments to the Articles of Association (TIF)
11.05.2021 Application 02.08.2016 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Submission/Application 13.05.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 28.07.2016 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 20.09.2007 (TIF)
11.05.2021 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board (TIF)
11.05.2021 List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board 12.09.2007 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 20.10.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 15.06.2000 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 07.12.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 05.05.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Other documents 10.03.2005 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 08.08.2016 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 10.12.2004 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 26.06.2003 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 13.02.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 25.01.2001 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 27.10.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Cover letter 22.10.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Copy of the personal identification document 15.01.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Copy of the personal identification document 15.01.1999 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Copy of the personal identification document 28.10.1997 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Consent of a member of the Board / executive director 27.07.2016 (TIF)
11.05.2021 Documents attesting the transfer of shares 08.05.2003 (TIF)
06.05.2021 2003 Annual report (full) (TIF)
06.05.2021 Application 27.04.2021 (edoc)
06.05.2021 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF)
06.05.2021 Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries 06.05.2021 (edoc)
Show all
2020 (1)
06.05.2020 2019 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2019 (1)
01.04.2019 2018 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2018 (1)
03.04.2018 2017 Annual report (full) (PDF)
2017 (5)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2017 2016 Annual report (full) (PDF)
Show all
2016 (5)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2016 2015 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
Show all
2015 (5)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2015 2014 Annual report (full) (HTML)
Show all
2014 (4)
01.04.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (HTML)
01.04.2014 2013 Annual report (full) (DOCX)
Show all
2013 (4)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (PDF)
03.04.2013 2012 Annual report (full) (HTML)
Show all
2012 (3)
01.04.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (PDF)
01.04.2012 2011 Annual report (full) (HTML)
2011 (9)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (XML)
07.11.2011 2009 Annual report (full) (HTML)
12.07.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (XML)
12.07.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (XML)
12.07.2011 2010 Annual report (full) (HTML)
Show all
2008 (1)
14.04.2008 2007 Annual report (full) (TIF)
2007 (1)
25.04.2007 2006 Annual report (full) (TIF)
2006 (2)
10.08.2006 2005 Annual report (full) (TIF)
10.08.2006 2004 Annual report (full) (TIF)
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